
Expert Freelancer for Digital Marketing Website Online Store S.E.O


Digital Marketing Freelancer Mumbai

From professionally handling all your Social Media, Business pages, SEO, Branding, Lead Generation, Website Traffic, Conversion, designing and posting Creatives to running rich Ad Campaigns. 

target audience
online shopping

Social Media Marketing

From professionally configuring & handling all your Social Media, Business pages, Running Ad Campaigns, Creating rich creatives for Posts, Reels, Stories etc. in the form of presentation, image, videos, animation etc.

Rocket Formula for Social Media Campaign

Avoid boosting your posts and wasting your money, spend only on well planned advance campaigns which will give you awesome results in short to long run and boost your sales be it online sales, services, store visits..🎯 🚀🚀

It will also increase your brand visibility in the long run.

social media strategy

Digital Marketing on Business Platforms

Showcase your Business, Services on B2B Platforms, engage directly with decision makers.

Lead Generation Expert

Generate Quality Leads Online, get leads of people who have shown interest in your product or services, no cold Calling. Why do cold calls, though cold calling used to be more effective in the past, the internet has made it largely ineffective today, also now buyers screen their calls thanks to caller ID showing them as scams, which outcomes in awful recognition for the company/business.

lead generation

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the practice of optimizing your brand, websites on search engines to make them reach a high position on SERP.

SEO focuses on improving the rankings in the organic search results If you want more traffic it should be part of your marketing efforts.

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the critical (key) indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provides a focus for strategic and performance improvement, create an analytical basis for decision making and help focus attention on what matters most.

A KPI represents a number companies use to measure the effectiveness of their marketing, sales, and other departments. KPI metrics go beyond simple sales numbers and consider information like brand awareness, social media reach, and website interaction. Often, marketers report on their KPIs monthly, weekly or quarterly.

By reporting these metrics consistently, marketers are able to see how their efforts effect overall business. There are several different KPIs for several different types of marketing.

For social media, your measurements might take other KPIs into account: impressions, click-through rates, social shares, and engagement. To improve these measurements, consider posting consistent, helpful content at a dependable cadence and engage with your followers.

If you’re measuring the success of digital ads, you might measure CPC (cost-per-click), CPM (cost-per-thousand), and lead-to-close ratio.

If you’re measuring KPIs for email, social, or digital ads, you likely have a website. Luckily, there are KPIs you can measure on your website as well. Some of the standard website KPIs are: bounce rates, time-on-site, pages-per-visit, cart abandonment, average order value, net profit, conversion rate, number of orders etc.

Result Oriented Campaigns
Features & Benefits
Global / Local Reach, Engaging Creatives.

Optimise Performance for Engagement, Brand Awareness and Sale


Geo-Location Targeting

Showcase you brand or sell products worldwide, reach potential customers within walking distance from your store or any other target location


Intelligent Optimization

Thru algorithm, AB testing, maximize efficiency, , save money on CTRs, CPCs, CPVs, CPLs, CAC, CPAs.


Target Audience

We research your target audience before running any marketing campaign, so that you get the desired results, also save on lots of unnecessary advt. spent

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Daily, Monthly, Weekly Reports

Get full reports based on sale, metrics, demographic, platform wise, on monthly, weekly, campaign wise etc. 

Receive detail reports of your campaign or organic reach on each platforms, see how your brand is performing.

google ad campaign
Reports socila media 1
Reports socila media 2
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